In 2006, while in secondary school, I was appointed the Senior Prefect or Head boy of my secondary school (St. John Bosco Secondary School Doma, Nasarawa State, Nigeria). It meant that I was the number 1 student in the school😀. I totally enjoyed my time steering the affairs of the students.
I admit that in certain instances, I may have hurt many people during my tenure but I may have touched lives in my little way.
On Saturday I woke up to this beautiful message. Although I cannot recall what the scenario was, I am glad I was privileged to be in a position to influence his life positively. I was humbled to see that he returned with thanks. He said, “You spoke kindly and softly to my ears”.
As you go about your daily lives, remain deliberate about touching the lives of others in whatever way you can.
In my case, I sat him under a tree and spoke to him, 15 years later, it “still rings in his ears”. He has decided to call me a “Counsellor”😀. His words humbled me.
Whatever spot you are in life, you may have the power to touch the lives of others. Never assume you cannot.
It may be a chat under a tree.
It may be a reply to a message in your DM.
It may be money.
It may be a phone call.
It may be that you supported someone to get a job or scholarship.
It may be that you helped review an essay.
It may be a smile.
It may be your story that you shared.
It may be anything.
No matter how small you think your deed is, No good deed is small.
#AAPTalks #CommunityDevelopmentWorker #Aa2Zi